District early childhood leader receives statewide honor

Champions for Children Awards ceremony

City School District of Albany Early Childhood Department Director Melissa Hasty on Friday was named the state’s 2019 Early Childhood Leader by the New York Association for the Education of Young Children.

She received the award for her efforts in advocacy, research and mentorship on behalf of early childhood education, all of which have made significant contributions statewide and nationally.

“Melissa Hasty is an outstanding teacher and leader who is truly ‘all in for Albany,’” said Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams. “Because of her efforts to strengthen prekindergarten programs in Albany, our youngest students start their education on a firm foundation for lifelong learning.”

As director of the Early Childhood Department, Hasty is responsible for overseeing teaching, learning, professional development and family engagement in prekindergarten classrooms in all 12 elementary schools and at 18 community agencies throughout Albany.

Under her leadership, the district’s prekindergarten program has more than doubled in size and expects to serve nearly 1,100 prekindergarteners ages 3 and 4 in the 2019-20 school year..

Hasty has worked for the district for 20 years. She spent 10 years as a kindergarten teacher in the district before becoming an early childhood coordinator. She was appointed director of the Early Childhood Department in 2016.

“We are thrilled for Melissa that she earned this well-deserved award, and we are incredibly fortunate to have her advocating on behalf of our children,” Adams said.

Hasty -- pictured with daughter Allison and parents, John and Kathy Sanders -- accepted the award at the organization’s Champions for Children Awards ceremony in Verona. Her husband Andy, a teacher at Giffen Memorial Elementary School, was unable to attend the ceremony because he was receiving an award of his own on the same night in Albany (their son Tyler accompanied dad to the local awards ceremony).

The mission of the City School District of Albany is to educate and prepare all students for college and career, citizenship and life, in partnership with our diverse community. The district serves approximately 9,500 students in 18 elementary, middle and high schools. In addition to neighborhood schools, the district includes several magnet schools and programs, as well as other innovative academic opportunities for students, including four themed academies at Albany High School.