Academics News

A student poses after receiving a care package from his teacher.

When Caroline Adam opened her inbox earlier this spring, she wasn’t surprised to ...

Science teacher and guidance counselor at Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle School

City School District of Albany logo

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, an extension for third-quarter makeup work, an update on Monday's AP exams, Governor Cuomo's appointment of Superintendent Adams to a statewide committee and a reminder about this week's board meetings

Headshot of Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams

Governor Cuomo has appointed City School District of Albany Superintendent Kaweeda G. A...

City School District of Albany logo

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, and an update on the budget-development process and Board of Education election

City School District of Albany logo

Board election update

May 8, 2020

One seat on the City School District of Albany Board of Education will be open in this ...

City School District of Albany logo

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a notice about third-quarter report card mailings and an update on next week's Board of Education meetings

City School District of Albany logo

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a message from Superintendent Adams about National Nurses Day and a video from our nurses, and a reminder about Thursday's board meeting

Still from a video that says "We are BOCES."


May 6, 2020

Individually strong. Unstoppable together. #24United

Albany High School teacher Arielle Joyce at a table with a laptop computer

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a reminder about Thursday's Board of Education meeting, a note about elementary student password changes and a resource to help parents and guardians help with their children's schoolwork at home during the COVID-19 closure

North Albany Middle School student with Board of Education member at school awards ceremony

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a message from Superintendent Adams about Teacher Appreciation Week, confirmation of a third case of COVID-19 in the district and a reminder about elementary student password changes

Teacher and pre-K student talk about school bus

Applications are available now for the June lottery to enroll children in prekindergart...

A composite photo of Albany High School teacher Henry Cumoletti and student Taryn McCoy

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, Governor Cuomo's announcement that all New York schools will be closed for the rest of the school year, the cancellation of spring sports and a student network account security update

A composite photo of Albany High School teacher Wan Oliviere and student Amgad Naser

April 30 district updates

April 30, 2020

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, cancellation of August Regents exams, an update for middle school and high school students regarding makeup work, and a reminder about magnet lottery registration

City School District of Albany logo

April 29 district updates

April 29, 2020

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature and updates for Albany High School students taking AP exams this spring

Eagle Point Elementary teacher Kim McDonough

April 28 district updates

April 28, 2020

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature and social distancing reminders