Academics News

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Five works, submitted by six media arts students, have been chosen for showcase in...

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April 27 district updates

April 27, 2020

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a reminder that Tuesday is a full day of instruction, updates on Section 2 playoffs for spring sports and a reminder about Monday's magnet and pre-K lotteries

Andre Woods signs National Letter of Intent at Albany High track.

It probably didn’t seem like it at the time, but getting cut from the Albany High...

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April 24 district updates

April 24, 2020

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, funding for childcare costs and expansion of our weekday meal delivery program

Staff members loading meals on a bus.

The City School District of Albany is once again expanding daily home delivery of break...

Lottery drawings will be held remotely on Monday to determine September placement in pr...

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April 23 district updates

April 23, 2020

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, an update about high school registration for new students and information about mobile crisis services

TOAST teacher Kewsi Burgess

April 22 district updates

April 22, 2020

New items include the daily Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a reminder about Monday's magnet and pre-K lotteries, and new resources for talking with young children about COVID-19

Myers teacher Ashley Gaston and student Victoria Penman

April 21 district updates

April 21, 2020

New items include the daily installment of our Perspectives in Online Learning feature, information for students who would like to obtain working papers, a reminder about Thursday's board meeting and mindfulness resources

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April 20 district updates

April 20, 2020

New items include a new installment of our Perspectives in Online Learning feature, updated COVID-19 testing dates and locations in Albany, and resources for talking with children about COVID-19

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April 17 district updates

April 17, 2020

New items include the debut of our 'Perspectives in Online Learning' feature, the cancellation of all district events through June, an update for high school schedules, a reminder for address changes, and mental health resources

Grade 8 ELA teacher at Edmund J. O’Neal Middle School of Excellence

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April 16 district updates

April 16, 2020

New items include Governor Cuomo's extension of the school closure through May 15, and helpful physician advice on shopping and getting takeout food safely

Home School Coordinator John Scott delivers pizza during pandemic closure.

John Scott isn’t letting a pandemic get in the way of his promise of pizza. Th...

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April 15 district updates

April 15, 2020

New items include office hours for secondary students, county COVID-19 testing, domestic violence resources and a community food distribution event

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April 14 district updates

April 14, 2020

New items include a notice of Thursday's Board of Education meeting

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April 13 district updates

April 13, 2020

New items include an important notice from the Albany County Health Department, new registration dates for the magnet and pre-K lotteries, and updates on Chromebook and meal distribution