School Budget News

Head shots of three commended scholars

Congratulations to three Albany High School seniors who have been named Commended Stude...

Jerry Craft headshot

Award-winning graphic novelist Jerry Craft will cap his upstate visit to City...

City School District of Albany tree logo.

All three City School District of Albany middle schools and  all grades at Tony Cl...

Joseph Hochreiter

As the tragic crisis in Israel unfolds, we would like to reassure everyone in our schoo...

Andre Speller with his tuba

Bravo!  Eight Albany High School virtuosos will represent their school Nov. 18 at ...

2023 LGBT History Month logo and photos

We celebrate LGBTQ+ history

October 6, 2023

October is LGBT History Month, and the City School District of Albany is proud to recog...

Annabelle DiStefano competing in a cross country race Oct. 3, 2023

Before Annabelle DiStefano hung up her soccer cleats and put on a pair of running shoes...

"We love our principal" graphic for National Principals Month

Celebrating our principals

October 5, 2023

October is National Principals Month, a chance for us to recognize the vital leadership...

Albany High senior quarterback Elijah Temple finds running room against Mohonasen

Like his teammates, Elijah Temple wasn’t in high school the last time Albany High...

Hispanic Heritage Month logo

We are proud to honor National Hispanic Heritage Month again this year.  Hispan...

Four smiling cosmetology students wear "We Love Hair" aprons

Attention Albany residents age 55 and up: Get free beauty services from aspiring beauti...

Cash for Coats drive

Help our kids stay warm this winter with a donation to the 2023 Cash for Coats dri...

Group portrait of Hall of Fame members

Hall of Fame grows by eight

October 3, 2023

Eight remarkable people were inducted into the 2023 City School District of Albany Hall...

City School District of Albany logo

All City School District of Albany schools will dismiss 15 minutes early Friday, Oct. 6...

City School District of Albany logo

We are sharing a reminder about the upcoming Federal Emergency Management Agency nation...

Student holds bandage to arm after donating blood

Albany High School held its first blood donation drive of the school year on Wednesday,...

The district's eight community school site coordinators pose for a picture during Coordinator Appreciation Week.

Shout out to our coordinators!

September 26, 2023

We are thankful for what our community school site coordinators do on behalf of our stu...

Student gives thumbs up while donating blood

Albany High School will do its part to help overcome a critical blood shortage nationwi...

Schools throughout our district recognized and celebrated the parents, guardians, famil...

The starting line of the Falcon 5k in 2019.

Falcon 5K is Oct. 1

September 15, 2023

Save the date! The ninth annual Albany Booster Club Falcon 5K and Fun Run will ...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany will add eight new members to the Hall of Fame on Sa...

Dr. April Prestipino

The City School District of Albany Board of Education has appointed April Prestipino, E...