School Budget News

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Thursday that a person in the district ...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Tuesday that nine people in the distric...

Giffen teacher Jacquelina Johnson writes on a poster board while instructing her third-grade class

The City School District of Albany is prepared to begin a district-wide COVID-19 testin...

Girl models her new pink winter coat

More than 1,200 City School District of Albany students will be a whole lot warmer this...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified over the weekend that a person in the d...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Friday that two people in the district ...

Photo of a male elementary student at his desk with a mask, and a socially distanced female elementary student, also wearing a mask, in the background raising her hand.

School schedule updates

November 20, 2020

The City School District of Albany continues to move forward with plans in place f...

Virtual learning student working on their laptop

Visit our district Facebook page to take a look at some typical days in the lives of vi...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Thursday that three people in the distr...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Wednesday that a person in the district...

Albany High School Falcon logo

A total of 94 academic high-flyers were inducted Wednesday into Albany High School'...

Student wearing a mask working on a STEM project

As we monitor daily developments in Albany County related to COVID-19, the City School ...

A head-and-shoulders photo of Superintendent Adams

We are excited to celebrate American Education Week this week, recognizing not only the...

City School District of Albany tree logo.

Sheridan Preparatory Academy will hold a virtual public hearing this Friday (Nov. 20) a...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Tuesday that a person in the district h...

City School District of Albany logo

Giffen Memorial Elementary School will hold a virtual public hearing Wednesday at 5 p.m...

Starting Nov. 30, the City School District of Albany will offer virtual classes to help...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Monday that three members of the distri...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany is partnering with Albany County and Whitney M. Youn...

A head-and-shoulders photo of Superintendent Adams

With COVID-19 cases rising throughout the Capital Region, the City School District of A...

Albany High academy lottery applications due Thursday

A reminder to eighth-grade students and their families: Applications for the Albany Hig...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Sunday that an individual in the distri...