School Budget News

White text that reads "Get text alerts  Text “Y” to 67587 on a blue background

Sign up for text alerts

August 19, 2020

A reminder that families can sign up to receive text alerts through School Messenger by...

A portrait photo of Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams

The City School District of Albany Board of Education has extended the contract of Supe...

City School District of Albany logo

Reopening forums

August 13, 2020

The City School District of Albany is planning virtual forums for families and communit...

CIty School District of Albany logo

Aug. 12 district updates

August 12, 2020

Items include an update about our enrollment choice options for families, a reminder about next week's virtual reopening forums, social-emotional support resources, The Great American Mask Drive and a reminder that Summer Adventure awaits!

The City School District of Albany is opening a two-week enrollment choice period on Mo...

A head-and-shoulders photo of Superintendent Adams

The City School District of Albany will continue to work with families and employees to...

CIty School District of Albany logo

Aug. 5 district updates

August 5, 2020

Items include a reminder about our extended survey deadline, an update on family choice options for the new school year, virtual reopening forums in August, The Great American Mask Drive and a reminder that Summer Adventure awaits!

Woman puts flyers into food bags

Thanks to the Albany Fund For Education and the Albany Community Development Agency, 17...

CIty School District of Albany logo

July 29 district updates

July 29, 2020

Items include updates on how to share your feedback and stay informed about our plans for the new school year, a reminder that elementary summer school starts Monday and a reminder that Summer Adventure awaits!

City School District of Albany logo and tree

The City School District of Albany’s Virtual Summer Program for students in grade...

City School District of Albany logo

We are gathering additional information regarding your preferences for the new school y...

Head shots of Robert Glover and Jareem Morris

Two Albany High School students have been selected to take part in a prestigious fellow...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany is holding a series of virtual forums in July to all...

CIty School District of Albany logo

July 22 district updates

July 22, 2020

Items include this Thursday's board meeting, our middle school reopening forum July 28, and reminders about elementary summer school registration and an opportunity for Summer Adventure

Student reading on the carpet

Summer is a great time to relax with a good book – or several good books! Summer ...

The City School District of Albany is asking for feedback from parents and guardians sp...

CIty School District of Albany logo

July 15 district updates

July 15, 2020

Items include a message from Superintendent Adams, reminders about our reopening survey and upcoming forums, registration for virtual elementary summer school and an opportunity for Summer Adventure

White text against a blue background that reads "Elementary Virtual Summer School registration open"

The City School District of Albany is excited to invite your elementary child to partic...

A head-and-shoulders photo of Superintendent Adams

The City School District of Albany is continuing to move forward with planning for the ...

Photo of residents on bikes.

The City of Albany, in partnership with the Capital District Transportation Committee (...

Woman with face mask puts food into bags

The City School District of Albany once again is participating in the Summer Food Servi...

Yellow school bus with its hinged stop signal engaged

A reminder that families must complete and turn in transportation applications by Monda...

Photo of Board President Anne Savage

The City School District of Albany Board of Education unanimously re-elected Anne Savag...

Graduation 2020

June 30, 2020

What a weekend! The City School District of Albany proudly celebrated the Albany Hig...

A portrait photo of Ashley Chapple

The City School District of Albany Board of Education has appointed former Albany High ...