School Budget News

City School District of Albany logo

The three candidates seeking the one open seat on the City School District of Albany Bo...

Picture of Eagle Point Elementary School student Amia Rodriguez

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, an update on ballots for the budget vote and board election, a video from Superintendent Adams reminding families of social-emotional supports the district provides and a reminder about Wednesday's school board candidates forum

Picture of Myers Middle School teacher Matthew Holland

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a Community Resource Guide, information for students returning instruments at the end of the school year and a reminder about Wednesday's Board Candidates Forum

Senior girl wears Xavier College sweatshirt

June 1 is College Decision Day, when high school seniors officially seal the deal on th...

A head-and-shoulders photo of Superintendent Adams

Dear Families: These are difficult times for all of us, here in Albany and across ou...

Picture of Albany High School science teacher Tina Cardettino

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature and a reminder about Saturday's virtual town hall budget forum

City School District of Albany logo

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a reminder for middle school and high school students about the opportunity to turn in makeup work through Friday, and reminders about our virtual town hall budget forums and June 3 Board of Education online candidates forum

Photo of a student learning in a classroom.

The annual budget edition of "Capital Education," the City School District of...

Photo of a student learning in a classroom.

The annual budget edition of "Capital Education," the City School District of...

Falcon logo

Roll up your sleeve to save a life and help an Albany High School senior win a scholars...

City School District of Albany logo

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature and a reminder for middle school and high school students about the opportunity to turn in makeup work until this Friday

A picture of North Albany Middle School teacher Melissa Parker

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature and upcoming virtual budget meetings

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany is offering three online opportunities for all ...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany is offering three online opportunities for all ...

A picture of Clement teacher Haley Goodwin

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a reminder about the Memorial Day holiday and social distancing practices, graduation and promotion dates for high school and middle school students, and information about immunizations

A picture of TOAST student Caroline Hilts.

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, an opportunity to participate in a statewide discussion about the reopening of school in September, and reminders about Friday's student check-in day and pre-K registration deadline, and Memorial Day on Monday

A picture of Hackett Middle School teacher Stephanie Roden

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature and reminders about Friday's student check-in day, our day off Monday for Memorial Day, Friday's pre-K registration deadline and Thursday's board meeting