School Budget News

Eagle Point Elementary teacher Laurie Sasson's children delivers a care package to a family.

Teacher Appreciation Week is usually a time for students and families to thank educator...

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New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a reminder that there is no online instruction Tuesday due to a district PD day, a note about picking up belongings at school as the year nears its end, and a reminder about this week's Board of Education meetings

A picture of O'Neal Middle School student Dyshae Robinson

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, reminders about Friday's student check-in day and our day off Monday for Memorial Day, and a reminder about this week's two Board of Education meetings

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New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, an update on the end of the school year in June and revised information about grading for the fourth quarter and full school year in light of the COVID-19 disruptions

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May 15 budget updates

May 15, 2020

The Board of Education approved a $261.6 million budget proposal to send to voters

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May 15 budget updates

May 15, 2020

The Board of Education approved a $261.6 million budget proposal to send to voters

City School District of Albany logo

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, an update about grading for the fourth quarter and full school year in light of the COVID-19 disruptions, and May calendar updates

Staff prepare grab and go meals during district closure.

When times are difficult, you can count on the City School District of Albany to help w...

TOAST student at home using a laptop computer

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, a reminder about Thursday's Board of Education budget meeting and a reminder about elementary registration and lottery dates

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Three candidates will vie for one open seat on the City School District of Albany Board...

Composite photo of Myers guidance counselor Ellen Green and science teacher Gary Nowik

New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, an update on the Board of Education election and a reminder about Thursday's board budget meeting

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May 12 update

May 12, 2020

The Board of Education reviewed a budget proposal that would eliminate 168.5 positions to close a $15 million deficit

A student poses after receiving a care package from his teacher.

When Caroline Adam opened her inbox earlier this spring, she wasn’t surprised to ...

Science teacher and guidance counselor at Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle School

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New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, an extension for third-quarter makeup work, an update on Monday's AP exams, Governor Cuomo's appointment of Superintendent Adams to a statewide committee and a reminder about this week's board meetings

Headshot of Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams

Governor Cuomo has appointed City School District of Albany Superintendent Kaweeda G. A...

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New items include our latest Perspectives in Online Learning feature, and an update on the budget-development process and Board of Education election

City School District of Albany logo

Board election update

May 8, 2020

One seat on the City School District of Albany Board of Education will be open in this ...