A message from Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams - 3/13/18

Kaweeda G. Adams

Honoring our students' voices

Our students in the City School District of Albany are amazing. This is no secret, of course. However, it has been reinforced throughout these past two weeks as student leaders have come forward to tell us they and their peers want their voices to be heard regarding school safety in the wake of last month’s tragic shooting in Parkland, Fla.

Students at Albany High School and all three of our middle schools will join students across the nation March 14 to advocate for safer learning environments and honor the 17 lives that were lost in Parkland one month ago. At each of our secondary schools, our students have planned, with the support of our administrators, teachers and staff, observances that express their own unique perspectives and personalities. 

Albany High Senior Class President Shafiyq Grady has been at the forefront of his school’s preparations. “There is only so much the adults can do,” he said. “There is only so much administrators can do. The students – our voices – need to be heard, because we are the next generation, and what we do and say now is what’s going to matter years from now.”

Hear more from Shafiyq and his peers at Albany High about their intent in planning their activities for March 14.

It is our responsibility to assist our students in making these plans and expressing their voice in ways that will ensure their safety and the security of our learning environments, a primary responsibility for us each and every day. Our staff have done so with great care and diligence in assisting the students in their planning.

All of our student observances will be voluntary. Students who do not want to participate in some or all of the activities will have opportunities to make that choice.  If you do not want your student to participate, please contact your school principal to make them aware of your wishes. We will make sure that each of these students also is supported in a safe and respectful manner.

It will take each of us working together for all of us to ensure that our students’ voices are heard, and that their voices are taken seriously. We are looking forward to supporting our students in this vital way March 14. You also can download this letter in .pdf format.

Yours in education,

Kaweeda G. Adams

Superintendent of Schools