All City School District of Albany schools will dismiss 15 minutes early Friday, Oct. 6 to participate in the annual Go Home Early emergency preparedness drill. The State Education Department requires all schools to conduct this test each year.
All after-school activities will be cancelled. However, student-athletes will be permitted to return to their athletic venues at 3:15 p.m. At early dismissal, Albany High School student-athletes should report to the bleachers on the main field (adjacent to the Washington Avenue parking lot). Student-athletes at Stephen and Harriet Myers Middle School should report to the baseball field.
Please read the following information carefully to assist with your planning for after-school programs.
Students attending after-school programs in district buildings:
Since after-school programs will not be offered Oct. 6, you must pick up your student(s) at their regular school building 15 minutes before the school’s regular dismissal time. There will not be transportation to other district buildings where after-school programs normally are offered.
Students attending after-school programs at childcare or agencies not located in district schools:
Students regularly transported to childcare or agencies not located in district buildings will be transported to their scheduled after-school drop-off location.
Please make appropriate arrangements at home and with childcare providers for the early arrival of your children on Oct. 6.
Please also note that all district schools and offices also will be closed Monday, Oct. 9 in observance of Columbus Day.
The mission of the City School District of Albany is to educate and prepare all students for college and career, citizenship and life, in partnership with our diverse community. The district serves nearly 9,700 students in 18 elementary, middle and high schools. In addition to neighborhood schools, the district includes several magnet schools and programs, as well as other innovative academic opportunities for students, including four themed academies at Albany High School.