A message from Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams - 2/1/18

Kaweeda G. Adams

Flu season reminders

It’s flu season, and the City School District of Albany is taking extra precautions to provide healthy environments for all students and staff. These steps include disinfecting all contact surfaces, such as door handles, railings, desktops, water fountains and other surfaces. We also would like to remind you about practices you can take at home to help reduce the spread of flu, and steps to address flu-like symptoms.

Our Health Services staff has not seen an increase in cases of flu or flu-like symptoms. The Albany County Department of Health also has not reported an increase. However, we are aware of media reports of an increase in other parts of the United States. You can follow these steps at home to help reduce the spread of flu and help your family remain healthy:

  • Know the signs and symptoms of flu – fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache and feeling very tired. Some people may also have nausea or vomiting.
  • Keep sick children home while they have flu symptoms and for 24 hours after the fever goes away without the use of fever-reducing medicine.
  • Teach your children to wash their hands often with soap and water. Set a good example as well.
  • Teach your children to cover their mouths with a tissue or the inside of their elbow or arm – instead of their hands – when they cough or sneeze.
  • Teach your children not to share personal items like toothbrushes, drinks, food or eating utensils.
  • If your child has chronic health problems and displays flu-like symptoms, contact your health-care provider immediately.
  • Talk with your health-care provider about a flu vaccine.

Please refer to the resources available at these links for more helpful information, or visit our Health Services section.

Our Health Services staff will continue to work closely with the county and state health departments to
monitor flu conditions. Please talk with your school principal or nurse if you have additional questions.


Kaweeda G. Adams

Superintendent of Schools