A message from Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams - 10/6/17

Kaweeda G. Adams

Social media safety and awareness

I am writing to update you about a serious social media safety concern that several students at the middle-school level brought to our attention during the school day Thursday, Oct. 5. Our students referenced a social media event they referred to as “Exposure Day,” which could include the posting or sharing of photos or video intended to shame, embarrass, humiliate, intimidate or otherwise “expose” other students. On Friday, Oct. 6, the City School District of Albany discovered one report of an "exposure" posting on Facebook. 

We brought in the families of the involved students and contacted the Albany Police Department, which is investigating the incident along with members of the district's security team. In addition our staff -- including our social workers, behavior specialists and school psychologists -- was and is prepared to identify any students who appear to be having a difficult time emotionally as a consequence.

We urge you to talk with your children at home about the importance of avoiding inappropriate behavior in any form, including social media. Shaming or embarrassing another student online or in any context is considered a form of bullying and harassment under the Dignity for All Students Act, and a violation of our Student Code of Conduct.

We also are providing resources from the National Association of School Psychologists to help you talk with your children if you believe they may be having a difficult time. Examples could include sadness, anger, frustration, depression, anxiety, etc. You also can download this letter with additional resources and information included.

We commend our students for bringing this information to our attention immediately. Please talk with your children about the importance of letting you, a school official or another adult know whenever they encounter a situation or information that concerns or confuses them. Thank you for your continued partnership in our efforts to ensure the safety and security of all of our students.

Yours in education,

Kaweeda G. Adams

Superintendent of Schools