Perspectives in Online Learning: Arielle Joyce

Arielle Joyce

ELA teacher
Albany High School

“Using Google Classroom has been a learning experience for teachers and students alike. As educators, we actively try our best to incorporate technology into our lessons and keep our students engaged. And although many of us consider ourselves technologically savvy, we are now spending our days not only planning our best lessons but also figuring out the best ways to connect with and reach each and every student. In doing so, we are learning about new platforms and technologies alongside our students, many of which we didn't even know existed while sharing the common goal of providing our Albany students with the best education we can during this uncertain time.”

“I miss seeing my students’ faces everyday and welcome the time when we will be able to safely have that in-person contact again. Until then, I will continue to work so my students, and also myself, grow through this experience. In this world of virtual learning, it seems even more important that we find ways to have human connection, that we lean on our colleagues and work to support each other however we can, and that we encourage our students to do the same for each other. In the end, we are learning valuable lessons that will prepare us better for the future, some of which we may have never learned had it not been for the current health circumstances. “