Perspectives in Online Learning: Amia Rodriguez

Amia Rodriguez

Grade 6
Eagle Point Elementary School 

"Doing schoolwork at home is different because I only see my teachers and classmates virtually. My classroom routine is different, too. I do Dreambox every day, but now our subjects are only on certain days. Sometimes the computer or internet acts funny but it’s okay. I am able to do and finish my work."

"My favorite part about learning from home is that I get to be in my room. I am comfortable and in my own space. I do miss being in the school building and creating fun memories with my friends."

"My parents expect that I do extra reading for library time and remind me to practice my violin. We are always singing songs and listening to music. We go on long walks, bike rides and do basketball workouts in my driveway." 

"I asked my parents if we could get art supplies so that we could do projects together. I look forward to not being quarantined but want everyone to be safe and healthy."