Perspectives in Online Learning: Francesca DelSignore

Francesca DelSignore

Music teacher
William S. Hackett Middle School

"This is definitely been a learning experience! Everyone had to step out of their comfort zone and learn as much as they could as quickly as they could. I found that through virtual learning, there was actually more time to spend talking to individual students than I had ever had before. There are so many different platforms out there to learn and teach with, that it makes it easier to find something that each student can relate to! "

"The down side to virtual teaching is that students in performing ensembles lose the ability to create one voice together – whether it is band, choir or orchestra - when they are performing. As a choir teacher, the 'virtual choir' platform will definitely be a continued area of research for me this summer!"

"It has been awesome to be able to meet with the teams in my building as that was not something that my schedule had allowed me to do. So even though we are far apart right now, I feel like I know so many more staff members and that is a great feeling. A more flexible schedule is definitely a good thing for both staff and students. Being able to complete their assignments at a time that better suits students’ needs is definitely one positive of online learning."