Cain, left and Huntley, right.
Hall monitors
Albany High School and Giffen Memorial Elementary School
The text vignette below is from Albany High hall monitor Harry Cain. This story also includes a video perspective from Alex Huntley, a hall monitor at Giffen Elementary.
"On a normal day, my responsibilities as a hall monitor consist of ensuring a safe and secure learning environment for students and staff. It’s so important for our students to feel safe so they can learn effectively. All hall monitors are trained in crisis intervention, conflict resolution and crime prevention. My duties include maintaining order and security at assigned sites and enforcing district rules and regulations. Also, it’s important we learn and interpret school policies and procedures in order to enforce them, respond appropriately to sensitive and emergency situations, communicate tactfully and effectively with parents, and establish cooperative working relationships with students, staff and families."
"However, during the COVID-19 building closure and the nationwide outbreak of violence, my duties have changed from security to community service. I have been working to ensure that our students and families are not only safe but also have the necessary provisions such as food and the technology they need to continue learning.
These are very distressing times for everyone; especially for our students and families. I deem it a privilege to be a part of this great City School District of Albany family that truly has put our students and families first. Our district family has definitely demonstrated that we really care for our students and families and we are living up to our motto and are ALL IN FOR ALBANY!"
You can watch the video below to hear from Alex Huntley, a hall monitor at Giffen Elementary.