Today, over 35 leaders from local non-profits and community organizations gathered in the Albany High auditorium to engage in meaningful dialogue with students at the "Possibilities For Peace: Re-imagining Albany" Serve Albany Brunch. This event aimed to hear their insights and ideas on how we can collaborate to help our community thrive.
Sierra Sangetti-Daniels from P3, People’s Perception Project, served as a dynamic emcee, setting the tone for the session with a challenge to both adults and students present to:
- Dream without limits
- Embrace and build on ideas
- Stay curious and open
With these guiding principles in mind, leaders and student representatives gathered around tables to engage in thoughtful conversations, exploring questions such as:
- Who is part of our community?
- What milestones and signs will tell us that Albany has truly blossomed into the place we've always imagined?
- What ideas or actions can we take in different parts of Albany to create positive change and build a better future?
As the conversations unfolded, participants contributed to live note-taking displays, showcasing a variety of perspectives, values, suggestions and observations shared among their tables.
At the conclusion of the gathering, students were invited to publicly share their takeaways with the non-profit and community leaders present. They bravely discussed personal experiences and viewpoints on critical topics such as mental health, violence, trauma and accessibility of support for vulnerable populations. It was evident that they appreciated the opportunity to be heard and seen by so many individuals who care about our city.
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all participants—guests and students alike— for engaging in these rich and enlightening conversations.
Special thanks to Heather Ardrey, Executive Director of Love and Serve Albany, for planning this event, to Sierra Sangetti-Daniels for expertly facilitating the activities and to Honest Weight Food Co-op for generously providing a delicious spread of food for the brunch!