Safe Schools and Violence Prevention News

AIA Principal Rachel Stead with two students

Starting Tuesday, Albany International Academy Principal Rachel Stead will serve as the...

Joseph Hochreiter

As we anticipate another deep philosophical and fundamental shift in our federal govern...

Celebrate special ed professionals

Nominate a special ed HERO!

January 17, 2025

The Albany Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is seeking nominations for...

Student-athlete running girls' relay race

Speedy in Springfield

January 14, 2025

Our Albany High indoor track and field team had an outstanding performance at the Ed Ce...

Student winners pose with certificates in science classroom

For the fourth year in a row, an experiment proposed by a team of eighth-grade scientis...

National Honor Society inductee with pin and certificate

On Monday, 109 students in grade 12 from Albany High had the prestigious honor of being...

A student who uses a wheelchair plays at recess with another student on a newly built accessible playground.

An existing playground at Albany School of Humanities has been completely updated and i...

City School District of Albany logo

School water testing update

January 3, 2025

The online version of a story in Thursday’s Times Union about water testing resul...

Side-by-side headshots of Kevin Allen, Emily Lawlor and Kerry Welcome

A brother and sister are among the three City School District of Albany teachers accept...

How you can help graphic on blue background

Many people throughout our community are asking what they can do to support the familie...

Singer Ray Blanken performs a solo onstage

Eighteen outstanding City School District of Albany students have been chosen to p...

City School District of Albany logo

The following message is from City School District of Albany Superintendent Joseph Hoch...

City of Albany logo.

Two projects will impact traffic flow on streets near Eagle Point Elementary Schoo...

Students posing in front of the city's holiday tree

A huge shout out to all our Albany High Falcons who helped make this year’s City ...

Student gets ready to play a sax solo

We're entering the season for City School District of Albany winter concerts, which...

City School District of Albany logo

Two North Albany Middle School students were involved in a tragic accident in Washingto...

'Bid for Kids' Sake' through Sunday eve

You have until 9 p.m. Sunday to bid on wonderful items and experiences, get a jump on y...

Superintendent Hochreiter and Mayor Sheehan announce new speed cameras in front of Albany High School.

Work is underway to install speed cameras in front of Pine Hills Elementary School on N...

Superintendent speaks at podium surrounded by community partners

Once again, members of our community opened their hearts (and wallets!) so that City Sc...