Another nonprofit steps in to provide laptops to students

Student holds her new laptop before a bank of TV microphones

The Workforce Development Institute (WDI) on Tuesday delivered 100 Chromebooks to Abrookin Career and Technical Center -- laptop computers that will go to seniors in Albany High School’s career and technical education programs.

WDI is a statewide nonprofit whose mission is to grow and keep good jobs in New York State.

“We’re the Workforce Development Institute, and students are the future workforce. If they’re not being educated and trained, where will we be in the future?” said Cricket Thomas-O’Dell, a regional director at WDI (and also a 1976 alum of Albany High), at a news conference at Abrookin. 

One member of the future workforce is Jorlenys Valverde, a senior in the Health Science career pathway. Valverde plans to head to college next September to study nursing, and having her own laptop will be a great help. It also will assist her as she completes her studies at Albany High.

“I am so thankful,” Valverde said.

About 1,700 district students are currently sharing devices at home due to the shortage and a delayed order of 5,200 Chromebooks. The district ordered the devices in July and initially expected delivery in September. Delivery was delayed until November and remains pending. 

Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams said that a computer that’s “owned” versus one that is “loaned” will take student proficiency to the next level.

“This support is critical. We are so very, very thankful for our community partners at the Workforce Development Institute,” Adams said.

Last week, Hannaford Supermarkets donated $75,000 to the Albany Fund for Education (AFE) to support distance learning. The donation will support the purchase of 300-400 laptops that will go to students early in the new year, AFE said. 

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