In Christopher Austen’s Business Concepts class at Albany High, students are discovering that learning about financial literacy can be both entertaining and engaging. Recently, our Falcons participated in the Junior Achievement (JA) Titan CEO Challenge, a simulation-based learning experience where students take on the roles of business CEOs in the phone industry.
During the challenge, students formed teams to make critical financial decisions regarding production, marketing, research and development (R&D), and corporate social responsibility (CSR). This hands-on experience allowed them to see how every choice in an organization influences its future success. Carm Basile, CEO of the Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA), served as a mentor for Austen’s class during the JA Titan CEO Challenge, providing invaluable insights and real-world connections throughout the learning process.
This year, four area high schools competed in the JA Titan CEO Challenge, with 101 students participating across 36 teams. We are thrilled to announce that the Albany High team of Samir Gardner and Troy Treece secured second place overall! Their creativity, tenacity, and hard work were key to their success.
When reflecting on their experience, Gardner highlighted the importance of teamwork, stating, “Working together really helped us overcome certain challenges in the game.” Treece noted he gained a new appreciation for corporate social responsibility, saying, “It’s really hard to come out with a good profit, and you have to make sure your CSR is good... You’ve got to ensure that the people you are working for and with are happy, and that those customers are happy in order for you to be successful.”
We extend our heartfelt appreciation to Junior Achievement of Northeastern New York, CDTA CEO Carm Basile and Albany High teacher Christopher Austen for collaborating to create this dynamic learning experience!