Albany High School News

JROTC cadet receives pin from veteran

JROTC cadets celebrated

June 15, 2021

Fittingly, the Albany High School Sgt. Henry Johnson Battalion Junior ROTC held its ann...

City School District of Albany Art Department logo.

The following is a message from Fine Arts Supervisor, Kate Wright: Welcome to our Ci...

Albany High School Falcon logo

Year-end updates

June 11, 2021

The final day of instruction for all Albany High School students will be Monday, June 2...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Friday of one new confirmed case of COV...

White Falcon logo on a royal blue background

Albany High School will return to regular in-person operations Thursday after workers r...

City School District of Albany logo

Face masks no longer are required outdoors on school grounds, according to updated COVI...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany has experienced air conditioning challenges at sever...

Red text that reads "lifeguard training" overlaid on an image of the Albany High pool

The City of Albany is offering a lifeguard training course in partnership with Albany H...

Falcon logo

Roll up your sleeve and help save a few lives on June 2 at Albany High School’s t...

Student wears a Harvard sweatshirt and holds Harvard balloons

Albany High School seniors historically are accepted into the best colleges a...

Text: Code of Conduct feedback sought Graphic: City School District of Albany tree logo

The City School District of Albany is seeking feedback from students, staff and communi...

Albany High School Falcon logo

Congratulations to the 754 Albany High School academic superstars who either ...

Construction site at Albany High School

With the first two phases complete, Phase 3 of the Rebuilding Albany High project is we...

Student poses with certificate and mother, grandmother and little sister

Albany High School senior Nevaeh Boyd received a Good Citizen Award Wednesday from...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Tuesday of four new confirmed...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Wednesday of two new con...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Wednesday of four new confirm...

Photos of Robert Glover and Kareem Morris

Albany High School seniors Robert Glover and Jareem Morris wrapped up their year as par...

Text that reads: COVID-19 vaccine availability update

Week of May 3

May 4, 2021

Albany High School vaccination clinic The City School District of Albany has partner...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified over the weekend of two new c...

Seniors standing on the turf field wearing college attire

Albany High School seniors joined their peers across the country celebrating their choi...

School resource officer stands with student

They help others in need. They persevere despite their own struggles. They are role mod...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was notified Thursday of two new confirmed...