Albany High School News

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany was unable to make or receive external phone ca...

CIty School District of Albany logo

Oct. 20 district updates

October 20, 2020

Updates include Google Classroom and Google Meet guidance for families, a technology update, a reminder about Friday's early dismissal and our Do the Right Thing partnership with the Albany Police Department

Yearbook photos: Save the date

Schedule your school picture

October 16, 2020

Attention students in grades 9-11: We will be taking yearbook photos at school from Mon...

City School District of Albany logo with tree

Veteran administrator Julie Barber has been named an academy principal for Albany Inter...

Smiling male student lying down and donating blood

Blood drive saves lives

October 8, 2020

Neither a worldwide pandemic nor building construction could stop Albany High School fr...

City School District of Albany logo

Power outage updates

October 8, 2020

Interruptions with virtual instruction are possible Thursday due to widespread power ou...

The following message is from Albany High School Principal Jodi Commerford October 7...

CIty School District of Albany logo

Oct. 6 district updates

October 6, 2020

Updates include Google Classroom and Google Meet guidance for families, a technology update, a reminder about Friday's early dismissal and our Do the Right Thing partnership with the Albany Police Department

Blood drive Oct. 8

October 5, 2020

Roll up your sleeve and help save a life! Albany High School will hold the first of ...

Middle- and high-school students in the City School District of Albany who are positive...

View the virtual session Attention Albany High School seniors and their families: Th...

City School District of Albany logo

All City School District of Albany schools will dismiss 15 minutes early Friday, Oct. 9...

Help our kids stay warm this winter with a donation to the 2020 Cash for Coats drive! ...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany’s Student COVID-19 Screener is available from ...

Materials pickup days

September 18, 2020

The following message is from Principal Jodi Commerford. The information also was maile...

The majority of Albany High School students will continue virtual instruction the week ...

Albany High Falcon logo in school colors -- white Falcon on royal blue background

The City School District of Albany Board of Education confirmed the following administr...

Albany High School Falcon logo

Message about Night School

September 16, 2020

The following message is from Albany High School Principal Jodi Commerford. Dear Stu...

City School District of Albany logo

September ACT exams cancelled

September 11, 2020

The ACT exams scheduled for Sept. 12 and Sept. 19 at Albany High School have been cance...

Albany High Falcon logo

Schedule for Friday

September 10, 2020

All Albany High School students will have an orientation session and meeting with their...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany will implement an in-person instructional model for ...

Three Albany High students at a College Fair in the school's gym.

The following message is from Albany High School Principal Jodi Commerford. Dear Fam...

City School District of Albany logo

The City School District of Albany Board of Education will meet Tuesday night to contin...

District closed Friday, Monday for Labor Day

District closed Friday, Monday

September 3, 2020

All City School District of Albany schools and administrative offices will be closed Fr...