Water test results

Graphic with text reading "important message from the Superintendent."

The following message is from Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams:

Dear Arbor Hill Elementary School Families:

In accordance with state law, every five years all public school districts are required to test all water outlets currently or potentially used for drinking or cooking purposes for lead levels.  To that end, I am writing to inform you about the results of this required lead testing at Arbor Hill Elementary School. 

The City School District of Albany is in the process of testing water outlets at all 20 buildings – about 1,500 total samples – with the assistance of a state-approved laboratory.  A water outlet is any source that someone could possibly draw water to drink, including drinking fountains, bathroom sinks, locker room showers, janitorial sinks and kitchen sinks.  At Arbor Hill, one of 57 outlets tested had results above the state’s limit of 15 parts per billion (ppb).  Here is the outlet that had results above that limit:

  •          Room 205A, Slop Sink (24.5 ppb)

The other 56 water outlets tested at Arbor Hill had no positive results, including all drinking fountains, and have been cleared.

In accordance with state law, the district has taken immediate action at the location where the lead level from a water outlet exceeded the state’s level of 15 ppb.  At Arbor Hill, the district has put the following action plan in place, which conforms to state regulations:

  •          Notify the Albany County Department of Health
  •          Submit all test results to the New York State Department of Health
  •          We have marked the outlet with signage indicating that the water is not drinkable.  
  •          The outlet has been flushed and retested.  We are awaiting results of the follow-up test.  The district will clear a water outlet for use again only after receiving a report from a state-approved laboratory that the outlet in question is now below the legal limit.
  •          When all water outlets are cleared, the district will notify all faculty, staff and families.

The health and safety of all students, faculty and staff in the City School District of Albany is a top priority for us.  If you would like more information about the testing at your building, please contact Capital Region BOCES Health and Safety Specialist Sherrie Strain at sherrie.strain@neric.org.