Tony Clement Center for Education
Phone: 518-475-6525
395 Elk St., Albany, NY 12206
About our school
We offer several alternative programs here at Clement, serving students in grades 7-12.
All of our programs offer:
- An increased staff to student ratio when compared to other middle or high school programs. This allows us to provide attention to individual student strengths, goals, and growth.
- Access to a Clinical Team consisting of a school counselor, school psychologist, behavior specialist (middle school only), social workers, home school coordinators, school nurse and a Northern Rivers Clinician.
Choice program
Grades: 9 and 10
Class size: Maximum of 15 students in a class
Maximum enrollment: 60 students
Curriculum: Students complete two years in one (grades 9 and 10) to return to "on-track" graduation status. Course offerings include all mandated high school courses for grades 9 and 10 with electives in CTE, Business, Music and Art.
Support services: Clinical support including social worker, psychologist and Northern Rivers Counselor
High school program
Upon successful completion of the program, students return to Albany High School or graduate from the Clement Center High School Program.
Grades: 9-11
Class size: Maximum of 15 students in a class
Maximum enrollment: 60 students
Support services: Clinical support including social worker, psychologist and Northern Rivers counselor
Curriculum: Course offerings include all mandated high school courses for grades 9-12 with electives in CTE, Business, Music and Art. The program also utilizes online learning platforms that help engage students in rigorous coursework and prepare them for high-school graduation and beyond.
Middle school program
Upon successful completion of the program, students return to their home middle school or move on to Albany High School.
Grades: 7 and 8
Class size: Maximum of 12 students in a class
Maximum enrollment: 48 students
Support services: Small student-to-staff ratio; clinical support including social worker, behavior specialist, psychologist and Northern Rivers counselor
Curriculum: Course offerings include all mandated high school courses for grades 7-8 along with physical education, social-emotional learning and Spanish daily.
Grades served |
7-12 |
School day begins |
8:51 a.m. (breakfast 8:45 a.m.) |
School day ends |
3 p.m. |
Assistant Principal
Student support
Home School Coordinator
Home School Coordinator
School nurse
School Nurse
Special Education
For questions related to Special Education, please contact our district Special Education Office at (518) 475-6150 x14316.
You can also contact our Sub-CSE Chairperson: