Delaware Community School News

Student working on writing assignment

Visit our district Facebook page to take a look at a typical day of learning in Jim Kin...

City School District of Albany tree logo

Five City School District of Albany schools went into a lockout for about 90 minutes Th...

City School District of Albany

Oct. 6 COVID-19 cases

October 6, 2021

The City School District of Albany was notified Wednesday of five new confirmed ca...

Kaweeda Adams smiling

The following message is from City School District of Albany Superintendent Kaweeda G. ...

City School District of Albany

Oct. 4 COVID-19 cases

October 4, 2021

The City School District of Albany was notified of 16 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 i...

Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams

The City School District of Albany has learned of monthly challenges on the social medi...

City School District of Albany

Sept. 27 COVID-19 cases

September 28, 2021

The City School District of Albany was notified of 11 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 i...

City School District of Albany logo

Sept. 24 COVID-19 cases

September 24, 2021

The City School District of Albany was notified Friday of eight new confirmed case...

City School District of Albany logo

All City School District of Albany schools will dismiss 15 minutes early Friday, Oct. 8...

City School District of Albany logo

Sept. 23 COVID-19 cases

September 23, 2021

The City School District of Albany was notified Thursday of 12 new confirmed ...

Superintendent Kaweeda G. Adams

The City School District of Albany has been made aware of a destructive new social medi...

City School District of Albany logo

Sept. 22 COVID-19 cases

September 22, 2021

The City School District of Albany was notified Wednesday of eight new confirmed c...

City School District of Albany logo

Sept. 21 COVID-19 cases

September 21, 2021

The City School District of Albany was notified Tuesday of five new confirmed cases of ...

City School District of Albany logo

Sept. 20 COVID-19 cases

September 20, 2021

The City School District of Albany was notified of 14 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 b...

Dr. Stacy Dobbs, principal of Delaware Community School, told fifth graders on Friday t...

Delaware Community School and cheetah logo

The following message is from Dr. Stacy Dobbs, principal of Delaware Community School. ...

City School District of Albany logo

In alignment with the direction of the New York State Department of Health, the City Sc...

Whitney on Wheels cartoon van

Whitney on Wheels – the mobile health van operated by Whitney Young Health &ndash...

A family posing for a picture outside the school

First full day at Delaware

September 8, 2021

Visit our Facebook page to take a look at some photos from the first full day of classe...

The side of a First Student yellow school bus.

In these early days of the new school year, everyone throughout the City School Distric...

First-grade student wearing a COVID-19 mask at her desk reading "Words I Use When I Write."

The City School District of Albany is excited to start the 2021-22 school year with ori...

Delaware Community School logo with cheetah

The following message is from Delaware Community School Principal Stacy Dobbs, Ph.D.&nb...

Vaccine clinics for school shots and COVID-19

All City School District of Albany students can receive school-required and COVID-19 va...

City School District of Albany tree logo

In partnership with the district, The City of Albany's COVID-19 Recovery Task Force...