Hello, Hackett families!
I hope everyone had a safe and relaxing weekend and was able to enjoy the spring weather. Hopefully, with April coming next week, temperatures will remain on the mild side.
Last week's All-City Chorus concert was simply outstanding! Congratulations to our talented student musicians and dedicated music teachers for another incredible evening of outstanding music, and a big thank you to all our families and community members who showed up to support music in our schools! Visit our Facebook page to take a look at this year’s All-City Chorus Concert, featuring elementary, middle and high school students from throughout the district! Our final All-City concert will take place on Wednesday, April 2, showcasing our band students. As a reminder, performances are free and open to the public!
Snapchats don't last forever, but yearbooks do! Hackett yearbooks, featuring customizable pages, are now available for preorder! Please visit www.treering.com/validate and enter our school's passcode: 1016488352114359 for details on purchasing and customizing your child's yearbook!
This week's Friday Fun Day theme will be “Hackett School Spirit.” Let's show our school spirit and celebrate our school by wearing our favorite Hackett apparel or something blue and gold. We look forward to celebrating each Friday in a different way in order to add a little fun to our day and show our school spirit. This is a great way to build healthy relationships and look forward to the weekend.
Please be reminded there will be no school on Monday, March 31, in celebration of Eid al-Fitr. Classes resume on Tuesday, April 1.
Spring sports update:The modified spring sports season begins Tuesday, April 1 and registration is currently underway! Get details about required physicals and signups.
Shortly, we will begin a heavy dose of testing including the 2025 New York State Assessments, Regents and Spring NWEA (see state assessment schedule below). We anticipate the next two weeks will run smoothly with no interruptions to the learning schedule prior to the start of assessments. This will play a critical role in our ability to prepare our students for a long testing period. It is my hope that attendance will be high over the next weeks. However, your child should bring a note following any absence and be sure to complete any missed work. Missing or incomplete assignments have a devastating effect on grades, and as we approach the end of the school year, we hope to give all our students every opportunity to be promoted to the next grade.
As a final note, Hackett Middle School continues its fire drill emergency response procedures. Holding practice fire drills, as well as lockdown drills, is crucial to our overall emergency planning, and we will continue to conduct planned drills throughout the school year.
... and that was the week that was!
Now for our 'Don't Snooze and Lose News'
- Attention STEM-loving girls: Sign up for this FREE "Girls in STEM Day" conference this Saturday at Hudson Valley Community College!
- The City School District of Albany’s annual Autism Spectrum Fair is Tuesday, April 1 from 5:30-7 p.m. at Montessori Magnet School, 45 Tremont St. All families are welcome, and the district will provide free transportation. Get more information about the event.
- Join our team! The City School District of Albany is hiring for a variety of positions. A list of employment opportunities can be found on the Human Resources page of the district website.
- City summer jobs application period is open: Attention students aged 14-18: Looking for a summer job? The City of Albany is accepting applications through March 31 for the 2025 LIGHT Summer Youth Employment Program, which will run July 7-Aug. 8. Learn more about the program and link to the online application.
- Our next PTA meeting will be held Wednesday, April 9 at 6:30 p.m. in room 112. Please note that this date was changed so as not to conflict with the All-City Band concert on April 2. Can't make it in person? Join us virtually.
- New York State test schedule for 2025:
- English Language Arts: April 8-11
- NYSESLAT Speaking: April 21-25
- Math: April 29-May 2
- NYSESLAT Listening, Reading and Writing: May 12-22
- Science: May 13
- Science make-ups: May 14-16
- Third-quarter grades close on Friday, April 11. Please be sure your child has handed in all assignments for the third quarter by then.
- Spring Recess will take place Monday, April 14-Friday, April 18. Classes will resume Monday, April 21.
Important reminders
- Extended Day Program applications are available at the attendance desk in the main foyer. Programs include swimming, cooking, judo, cosmetology, dance, arts and crafts, yearbook and more! The after-school program takes place Monday through Thursday from 3-5:15 p.m. and includes a free snack and free door-to-door transportation home. Completed forms should be returned to the guidance office, and any specific questions should be directed to Ms. Lewis at dlewis2@albany.k12.ny.us. The program will run through June 13.
- Speed cameras are up and running, and $50 fines are being imposed on drivers exceeding the 20-mph school zone speed limit on Delaware Avenue and in several other school zones throughout the city. Please drive safely and avoid these fines by being mindful of the school zone on your daily route. You can visit our website to read more from earlier this school when the city launched the school speed zone safety program.
Hackett corner quotes
"If you are afraid to fail, you will never do the things you are capable of doing." – John Wooden