Montessori AC update amid heat wave

Outside photo of Montessori Magnet School from Tremont Street

The following message is from Montessori Magnet School Principal John Powell:

We are on the doorstep of a new school year and Montessori Magnet School is ready! The building looks wonderful and the staff have been hard at work preparing classroom spaces for the first day. I hope the excitement is high in your home for another great school year.

With the first day, and the high temperatures this week in mind, I wanted to connect about something we have been navigating during our first few staff days -- air conditioning issues.
Many of our classrooms have been very warm and, in some cases, uncomfortable this week as our teachers and staff have been getting ready for the new year. The district’s HVAC contractor is aware of the problem and is awaiting delivery of parts needed to fix the system. We do not anticipate that the problems will be fixed this week. 

On a positive note, the air conditioning has been working properly this week in some of our larger spaces, like the cafeteria, library and gym. 
We ask that our students dress comfortably Thursday and Friday with lightweight and loose-fitting clothing. Please also send your student to school with a water bottle; we will make sure all of our students have plenty of opportunities to stay hydrated.
We are planning to limit outdoor activities Thursday and Friday if the heat index reaches into the 90s as forecast.
Thank you for your patience and partnership as we prepare for the new year.