News and Events Dec. 3

Albany High School Falcon logo.


  • REMINDER: The Q1 Honor Roll Ceremony is this Friday (Dec. 6) at 8:30 a.m. 
  • Please consider joining the Myers PTSA. Proceeds from the $10 membership fee will be used to fund in-school and extra-curricular events and trips.
  • Junior Falcon photo highlights:
  • Don't forget about our parent workshop on Dec. 5! It's the first in a series of four and is a Financial Literacy and Art Workshop. It will run from 6-8 p.m. in the Myers library. Please register today!
  • Mark your calendars! our Toys for Tots Holiday Party will be Dec. 12 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. All students will receive a free gift plus there will be food, drinks and a grocery giveaway. If you're able to volunteer at the event, please sign up using this link.
  • Update from the PTSA:
    • We are in need of snacks/drinks/baked goods - as well as volunteers for the bake sale - for the Dec. 12 Winter Concert and Art Show. Sign up to support the PTSA today!
  • The Vegetable Project invites you to show your support for its amazing hands-on programming here at Myers by sponsoring a garden bed for the 2025 growing season. 
  • Afterschool programming is underway! Tutoring, activities, snack and transportation are provided. Please register your student using this link.
  • Power Hour Lunch is going great! Note the schedule, topic descriptions and email or call (518) 475.6462 to register a student.
  • The Junior Falcon Wellness Program is now up and running. Registered students (sign up in English or Español) can access our free food pantry every Thursday during periods 8-9. Contact Jennifer Seguinot at (518) 475.6462 or with questions.


  • Dec. 5: Parent workshop (Financial Literacy and Art Workshop), 6-8 p.m. in the library
  • Dec. 12: Toys for Tots Party, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 12: Winter Concert and Art Show; 6:30 p.m.
  • Dec. 13: Q2 interim grades close
  • Dec. 13: Q1 Perfect Attendance Breakfast
  • Dec. 18: Teen Night, 5-7 p.m.
  • Dec. 23-Jan. 1: Holiday Recess (NO SCHOOL)
  • Jan. 15: Students dismiss at 12:30 p.m. to accommodate staff PD
  • Jan. 20: Martin Luther King Day (NO SCHOOL)
  • Jan. 31: Q2 grades close
  • Feb. 13: Winter Wonderland Dance, 5-7 p.m.
  • Feb. 14: Q2 Perfect Attendance Breakfast
  • Feb. 26: Students dismiss at 12:30 p.m. to accommodate staff PD
  • Feb. 28: Quarter 2 Honor Roll Ceremony
  • March 19: Students dismiss at 12:30 p.m. to accommodate staff PD
  • May 9: Quarter 3 Honor Roll Ceremony