Schools News
The talents of music teachers from across the district were on full display during Tues...
While COVID-19 remains with us and illnesses such as flu and RSV are on the rise, the C...
As we enjoy the Halloween season, we would like to share the following guidelines regar...
The City School District of Albany winter concert season kicks off Nov. 9 at Albany Hig...
We have the BEST community partners! On Thursday, Assemblymember Patricia A. Fahy jo...
Join us for an afternoon of food and fun! The City School District of Albany and Moh...
On June 14, 1777, amidst the tribulations of a war for independence from England, the S...
Join Albany High School students and staff from throughout the City School District of ...
As we continue our work to determine which elementary schools will attend which middle ...
All City School District of Albany schools have shifted to distance learning ...
The following message is from City School District of Albany Superintendent Kaweeda G. ...
The City School District of Albany has learned of monthly challenges on the social medi...
All City School District of Albany schools will dismiss 15 minutes early Friday, Oct. 8...