While a wintry mix pelted the windows outside on Monday, first-graders channeled springtime inside by making personal greenhouses.
The students transformed plastic gallon-sized jugs into mini-greenhouses under the direction of our community partners at the Vegetable Project, parent volunteers and fifth-grade helpers.
Visit our Facebook page to see photos of the hands-on fun.
Students mixed water with potting soil, used an electric drill to put drainage holes in the plastic jugs, filled the jugs with soil and planted seeds of cold-tolerant herbs, veggies and flowers.
When they finished, the students went outside – dodging ice pellets – and placed their greenhouses next to a schoolyard wall that faces the sun when it actually shines!
If all goes well, the seeds will sprout in time for the Vegetable Project’s “Evening in the Garden” bash on May 6, which is happening at New Scotland Elementary and is open to all district families.