Service Learning Project a success thanks to all of you!

Two students posed with donated items that will be handed out to residents at shelters.

The following is a message from our Student Lighthouse Team:

Thank you to our school community for supporting our Service Learning Project this year! We spent the year learning about homelessness in our community and using the 'See, Do, Get' model from Leader in Me to guide our planning of this year's service learning project. Helping to address homelessness in our community is something that we are very passionate about.

We set out to make 50 care packages to donate to Street Soldiers for distribution in our community.  We spent two weeks collecting items in our item drive.  With your help, we were able to make over 100 care packages to donate to Street Soldiers! 

Thank you for helping us to exceed our goal!  We would also like to thank our Student Lighthouse Coordinators, Jessica Short and Raquel Parker, for all of their help and support!