Get started: resources
The City School District of Albany is investing in community outreach and advocacy to help city residents of color and minority- and women-owned businesses (MWBEs) get started in construction. This includes opportunities on the Rebuilding Albany High School project, as well as construction-related opportunities whenever and wherever they exist. The resources below will help you or your business get started.
For individuals
Capital District Educational Opportunity Center (EOC)
A division of Hudson Valley Community College and part of the State University of New York, the EOC offers tuition-free academic and workforce development opportunities to disadvantaged and educationally under-prepared New York residents.
North Atlantic States Carpenters Training Fund (NASCTF)
NASCTF provides general resources for those interested in pursuing an apprenticeship in carpentry.
Capital Region BOCES
For individuals looking to earn a high school diploma equivalent
For individuals looking to earn occupationally related safety training
NYS Department of Labor
For individuals looking for information on apprenticeships
Hudson Valley Community College Workforce Development Office
For people looking to begin their first career, trying to advance at the company where they work, looking to change careers entirely or simply needing to brush up on some skills
Careers in Carpentry
A slide deck from the North Atlantic States Carpenters Training Fund on training for careers in carpentry
Sisters in the Brotherhood
A video from the New England Regional Council of Carpenters highlighting women who are union carpenters.
For businesses
City of Albany Business Resources
For information on BIDs, small businesses, economic development and more in the City of Albany.
NYS Empire State Development
For businesses looking for MWBE information or certification
NYS Contract System
For businesses looking for MWBE information or certification
Hudson Valley Community College Workforce Development Office
For businesses looking to create customized staff development and training packages for their employees.
Contact us
Need help navigating contstruction unions or MWBE certification? We're here to help. For more information, contact:
Community Engagement Coordinator
Director of Facilities Planning
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